Wednesday, May 15, 2013

All You Can Eat!!!

Hello readers!

So recently I've been eating out more than I care to admit. I'm a horrible person Bla Bla Bla, who cares? Anyway, I couldn't help but notice a pattern when eating out at those special restaurants that offer a buffet. I thought I'd share my thoughts on the subject.

So "all you can eat buffets" were originally supposed to mean that instead of spending $10 on a steak and then $4 on a drink and side dish, you only spend like $8 on whatever you desire. Somehow, over space and time, us Americans came to the conclusion that "all you can buffets" are actually a secret contest on who can stuff more food in their face than everyone else. And the winner- is probably throwing up from food poisoning.

I just don't get it! Why do we feel you have to eat so much at these places? To get your money's worth? Does your money's worth include insulin for when you inevitably get diabetes and own a senior scooter in your thirties?

Now believe me, I am not saying I'm innocent of this by any means. I literally have been that person, looking around at the people around me to see if I had won the food stacking contest, and have in occasion won... have I been able to eat everything on my plate? No, because my stomach actually has a limit. But the gesture of wasting food is still there.

Okay my rant is over now. I hope you enjoyed it! I'm on my way to Pizza Hut now, they have a lunch buffet to die for!!!


Peace out readers!
-patti cakes

Ps I heard a rumor that the sims company is coming up with a fourth one... Interesting.

And I wrote this blog on my iPhone so we will see how how many horrible words autocorrect puts in my post for me!

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