Monday, July 16, 2012

Bucket List Item #19: Room Cleansing

Hola! So the item on my Bucket List that I decided to tackle today was this:  

 Have a spotless, dustless, pristine and clean room for 12 months straight. (this means vacuuming, dusting, windexing, making my bed, everything that makes for extreme cleanliness). 

The first thing I had to do to make this work was I had to actually get my room that clean, which is a complete opposite of what it was this morning. I still have laundry to fold and a bed to make, but as far as seeing my bedroom floor again... it's actually there! I expected it to be a giant chore (which it was), but I didn't expect it to turn into a treasure-finding adventure!!


Now just so y'all know; I'm not generally a messy person. My closet broke, I was packing for college, I had a cold and so on. Yeah, I know they sound like excuses but it's my story and I'm sticking to it! So I started off by sitting in my desk chair (the very one I'm sitting in now) and just looked at it all. I breathed in the dusty air (because I hadn't been in there for a couple of months) and breathed out a sigh of surrender. I put my  "Lets Do This!" face on and stood up and attacked it, starting with my wardrobe. 

I don't know how it happened, but over the years I have come to own about 70 shirts and 10 pairs of pants... that ratio doesn't really make sense. Then again, I as a person, barely makes sense so I guess it works for me perfectly. So anyway after I had folded all of my clothes or put my clothes on hangers (because I need both a dresser and a closet for all of my shirts) I grew tired and decided it was breakfast time.

Breakfast Time
After a couple more hours of procrastination, I finally got to it again. I got really excited when I found a dime on the floor! Makin' money while taking steps to get something done on that old bucket list... it's always good when you find money though.


I also found that shirt I used to wear when I was a senior in High School.

Yes, this is T-shirt

I had to take another four hour "break" because I had to go to work and push those damn carts in that desert-hot sun and ocean thick humidity. After I got home though I was so determined to finish this! I took out the vacuum and dusted every shelf in my room. 

 It feels to good to sit here right now in my room and write this right now. Here is the final product:

I'm excited for tomorrow's challenge. If any of my readers come up with something good let me know. I'm going to post the first 50 things on my bucket list tonight. I know "cleaning my room" isn't very original, but it was on the list and needed to be done, and besides I can't cross this off unless I keep my room in this beautiful condition for 12 months.

For now though, I'm going to relax in this space and keep on writing. Good night readers!

<3 Patti Cakes
My Twitter: @patticakes

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