Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I Know What I'm Going To Do

So I had a really bad day today. It sucks that I didn't have a good day... but because of my day, I came up with the best idea ever!

There I was, sitting on my couch with my computer on my lap thinking "what am I going to write as a facebook status?" I was cold and sad and all I could think of was this:

"I could use a Ron Weasley sweater right now" and I wasn't kidding I was super serious. When I look at that Maroon sweater and the messy "R" patched in the middle, all I can think of is comfort. I mean who needs a man to hold you tight at night when you have one of those puppies? So I looked it up online to see if I could buy one and someone wants $95 for some knock-off version that they made. Sorry, unless Vierra Wang knitted it herself, I wouldn't pay that much money for something I can make. And that's when it hit me. This big "light bulb" moment, my heart started to race a little faster in the excitement of my amazing epiphany... I WILL MAKE ONE!
I think this was knitted, and I crochet so it wont look like this but it will still be awesome!

Next time I get paid I am running straight to Jo-Ann's and purchasing the yarn I will need for this amazing project. Mind you, I've never made a sweater before.. but if I'm just going to wear it around the house when I'm feeling blue, who cares if it turns out good or not, right?


That's where I am at right now. It's past midnight and I have to be up early so I can ring up everyone's groceries tomorrow (ugh). But this project... oh this project is going to be AWESOME!!! Tomorrow I'll give you an update on how I'm keeping up with things on my list. I'm not sure if Toronto is going to work or not but we'll see.

Good Night Readers!!!!

(I'm so excited!!!)

-Patti Cakes

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