Friday, April 19, 2013


Hello Readers!
It's Review Friday!

So I was originally going to do a review on the Sims 3 University Life, but then I got distracted and started to play Candy Crush and it consumed a whole hour of my life trying to just beat level 25. It made me do the thing I always said I would never do... I bought facebook credits. (shame)

Then I realized I should be doing a review on the game that has become my life, and many other peoples lives as well. Yet calling this a review is too formal, this game and I have gone through a lot together-  we are waaay passed formalities, this is more of a personal testimony with this jaw clenching game.

It all started when I went to visit my friend at her college in Maine. Her roommates kept to their rooms on their computers the whole time and kept saying "I'll do my homework in 5 minutes. I just need to beat this level." and "We can go to lunch after I play Candy Crush a little bit more." It wasn't until after brunch that they asked me if I wanted to join them in the fight that is all crushing candy! I was like "sure why not." I wasn't doing anything else anyway, just browsing through my songs on Spotify. So I logged into facebook and started to play this seemingly easy game.

My whole life changed that day.

All of a sudden the levels started to get harder and harder, I started to fail a couple of them. I retried and retried, LEVEL 17!!! I couldn't get passed that for days. I stayed up till 3AM trying to clear all the effing jelly. I downloaded it on my iPhone and would play it every moment I got... while I was waiting for dance class, while I was skyping with my friends, at the dinner table, at red lights!

okay not at red lights

I came to find that more of my friends had gotten bitten by the candy crush bug before even I had and were just as equally obsessed. One of my friends in particular has been recruiting people or better yet SOLDIERS to fight in this epic battle of candy crushing!

I guess by taking the time to write this review, I am also doing the same as her. Join us! We can get through this together!

With all jokes aside, it is actually a very bejeweled-esque thrilling game that is more challenging and fun then any other item-matching game I've ever played. Hint: If you play it on facebook, you can get your friends to give you extra lives and other wonderful gadgets. If you want to play it just for kicks you can play on or you can download the app for your iPhone or iPod here: iTunes Candy Crush.

Now let me warn you... you WILL get addicted!

Happy Gaming!

-Patti Cakes 

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